Turtle Senses VR
The Sea Turtle Journey VR exhibit teaches visitors about the sea turtle’ s senses and how they relate to the migration patterns and pelagic journey.
The Sea Turtle Journey VR exhibit teaches visitors about the sea turtle’s senses and how they relate to the migration patterns and pelagic journey. Using the specially designed head (which houses the VR equipment) visitors would experience the world from a sea turtle’s perspective, moving the head left or right to navigate.
The VR journey would take visitors through hatching as a sea turtle on the beach to exploring areas of the ocean such as the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea. Visitors would also make choices about whether and where to find food, keep travelling on a current or seek out a mate. Feedback embedded in the virtual experience will allow visitors to learn important aspects of the sea turtle’s life including migratory patterns, how they navigate and where they are most in danger from predators.
The table top of the exhibit will also display a map with the migratory paths sea turtles follow. Embedded lights along those paths will give other visitors standing next to it clues as to the user’s journey while also informing them of what they can expect to experience in the exhibit.
For younger visitors, a predetermined path can be programmed which would give them an immersive experience while still ensuring learning outcomes are achieved.
The virtual reality exhibit is a free-standing and self-contained unit consisting of a swivel-mounted stylised prop head (which holds the VR head-mounted display unit and other sensory technology) connected to a durable cabinet (housing all technical components) with an interactive graphic table-top. Designed for high-traffic museum and exhibition environments, the virtual reality and sensory exhibit is built for durability and is both child and wheelchair friendly.
Other options for a customised VR exhibit experience include navigating the South American rainforests as a bat, spotting prey from great heights as one of the birds of prey or even navigating a robot on Mars to explore the planet. Our team will be able to work with you to create the best solution for your space.
Our product design specialists can custom build a head to house the virtual reality goggles that match both the design of your centre as well as the virtual reality experience created for the exhibit.
Our specialist team of experience designers can work together with you to create a custom 3D virtual reality environment that meets the needs and learning outcomes required for your museum, aquarium, zoo or visitor centre.
The interactive features as well as the graphic design of the table top can be custom designed by our exhibit design specialists to match your centre as well as the virtual reality experience.
The language in which the content is presented, in both voice-over and text, can be customised to your needs. More than one language can be used in a single exhibit allowing users to choose for themselves.