Living Earth
Living Earth teaches visitors about different aspects of the natural environment and how they can positively affect it.
To immerse visitors in the fascinating aspects of the natural environment of our planet as well as educate them on how they can positively affect it, formula D_ interactive created the Living Earth interactive table and screen application.
To provide an interactive experience that educates visitors on both natural and man-made phenomena that affect our planet, as well as how we can live more harmoniously on it, our museum exhibition design team created the Living Earth interactive table and screen application.
The Living Earth application gives visitors a 3D interactive planet with touch
points all over our globe. Visitors can rotate the digital globe and select touch
points that catch their attention, opening up information on topics ranging from
El Nino to Urbanisation. The application also includes animations depicting
the earth’s carbon cycle as well as an internal view of the planet showing the
layers from the outer crust to the inner core. A time-lapse sequence displays how the continents have formed, changed and shifted over the millennia.