Interactive Eco Shopper
An interactive wall that teaches players about responsible consumerism and their waste.
Visitors scanning barcodes at the Interactive Eco Shopper installation – a 3D exhibit designed to resemble ordinary shop shelves – become aware of how their shopping choices could contribute to the production of waste and the filling of landfill sites.
The wall offers a few different choices for the same product and each produces a different level of waste. As the visitor scans an option, the screen provides feedback regarding the visitor’s choice: whether or not it was the right choice and if there is an alternative, better choice available.
The interactive exhibit:
• Is designed so that multiple visitors can watch a player interact and help them make the right choice
• Provides information on why certain products produce too much waste and why the created waste is bad for the environment
• It challenges the player’s product choices, allowing the visitors to compare their own choices to the choices in the game and to improve on those choices
• Is designed for durability in high-volume exhibition environments