Burger Street prison in Pietermaritzburg has exceptional historic significance for South Africa and its people.
The old Burger Street prison in Pietermaritzburg has exceptional historic significance for South Africa and its people. The building is a monument for the ill-treatment of human rights in South Africa during colonial rule and Apartheid regime.
Formula D interactive has been commissioned by Project Gateway to present a conceptual road map for the creation of a state of the art museum within the walls of the prison. Whilst maintaining the original layout and harsh features of the location, the proposed exhibits enhance the authentic experience with information graphics as well as cutting edge multimedia displays.
By converting the old Burger Street prison to a world-class museum exhibition, Project Gateway and funding institutions will not only make sure that important struggle activists who were imprisoned here, will stay in good memory, they will also strengthen Pietermaritzburg’s yield regarding the increasing numbers of tourists in the region.
The 127 years old prison history spans across historical eras from Colonial South Africa, Apartheid, the Liberation Struggle, to the first election in South Africa in 1994.
Prisoners included famous leaders and historical figures, such as King Dinizulu, Harry Gwala, Moses Mabhida, Kasturba Gandhi (Gandhi’s wife), Peter Brown, A S Chetty, Omar Essack and Derick Marsh to name a few.
The first cell block has been declared a National Monument and is one of the oldest buildings in Pietermaritzburg. The Old Prison is also part of The Freedom Route.
Interested private funders, public institutions and Corporate Social Investments departments are asked to kindly contact Michael Wolf or Marco Rosa on +27(0)21-4489621 or email to prison@https://formula-d.com for further information and presentation.